You only need 20 seconds of courage to do anything!
This statement is 100% true.  Because when you are scared to do something and then when you finally do it, the first 20 seconds are going to be the hardest, but after that, it as easy as {insert favorite pastry or dessert here} Be brave and be bold! You can do anything you set your mind to because:
A: You are stubborn
B: You are really motivated
C: or you have a short 20 second burst of BRAVERY or COURAGE or SPONTANEOUS thinking
I admire people who can do anything like that, they are so brave and AWESOME!

corrine bailey-put your records on lyrics

Another one of my favorite JAMS! Enjoy

Think and Believe

I don't know if this person will ever read this but here it goes. This goes out to him.

I have a friend who constantly beats himself up about stuff.  But in reality, he is such a good friend.  People sometimes tell themselves something so many times that they start to believe it even if it is not true.  I know life isn't perfect; things will go wrong, and you can get discouraged so easily it is unreal.  That happens only if you tell yourself negative things when you should tell yourself positive things and look for the good in everything.  I also understand how difficult this can be in our chaotic world.  Here is what you do: TRY.  Think about who you want to be and go for it.  Shoot for the stars! Look for people with an attitude that can help and a personality that is caring and a personality that is contagious.  :) It doesn't matter who you were, it's important to be who you are and who you will become. 

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, its about learning to dance in the rain.

Priscilla Ahn "Dream" (Lyrics)


The American dream, sweet dream, or a goal that you call a dream.  Everyone has them and everyone wants them to come true.  As a little kid, I always wanted to be something important and I always played pretend in my own little worlds. Worlds that were my own and safe places where I couldn't get hurt. When I grew up that quickly changed when I got a hefty dose of reality.  But I realized, that some things I want, I can get if I work towards them. It's good to be a big dreamer, as long as you are a hard worker.  Don't ever think that you will just have your dreams come true because you wished on a star or just wanted them so bad you think you'll get it.  Accomplishing your dreams is hard work.  If you want something done or something fixed, you have to do it yourself.  So, with that said, get off of your butt and do something.  Set some kind of goal and work toward it. 

Be the change you want to see in the world

Drake Bell - Golden Days

This is one of my many jams!

Windows down, Chillin with the Radio on :)

Have you ever had one of those days where all you want is a good song to listen to and just relax? Well, in my opinion, those are the BEST! The world is full of music, pick an artist that just makes you smile and or jam out.  I don't care if you listen to rap, country, or polka. (?) Everyone has to jam out to something :D

Mike Snow - Animal Lyrics

Being told or being BOLD

Growing up as the youngest in my family, my parents and siblings always gave me advice because they had experience.  At one point, I didn't like being told who I should be.  Yes, I listened to my parents and I knew right from wrong, but I wanted to be my own person with my own unique personality.  Don't listen to the people who say you have to have those jeans, you have to have your hair like that, and you can't express yourself.  Individuality is so much fun! Know one wants to be exactly like someone else.  If the world wanted people to be the same, they would clone one person. 

There is a reason why no two snowflakes are alike ;)

Life is too short to be anyone but yourself

Beat of your own Drum

My mom always told me I walked to the beat of my own drum.  I never understood that until now :) It means you do your own thing and you are proud be who you are.  Well, it took me a long time to learn that lesson and actually embrace my inner "drum".  Someone once told me to go home, look in the mirror, and say with attitude, "You are FABULOUS!" Everyone has their little quirks and talents that make them unique.