Choco Taco :)

Today afterschool, my dad stopped at a gas station on the way home. I asked why we were stopping and he said, "this is the only place I can think of that has choco tacos." this past weekend we had seen a commercial for choco tacos and we all wanted one. I thought we had forgotten about by now but then he surprised me.

I guess what I want to say is that there are people in your life that pay attention and care and love you. My suggestion, buy them a choco taco and share some good times :)

I want to feel like SUNLIGHT! :D

This song is just so happy I had to share :) I don't want a guy to tell me all the cheesy, cute things guys say to girls.  I want him to say something like this. (not sung, but that would be way cute) Something very unique and classic at the same time.  I don't want Shakespeare, I don't want any of the characters from Twilight, I want something that is true and honest.  Something that will make me feel special :) I love a guy that can make me laugh and smile, that's is the most important thing to me :)

Just stay this little. . . . .

When your little, it seems like nothing can go wrong, like everything is funny :) Then you grow up and realize life isn't all fun and games, life is messy and sad sometimes.  I wish I could stay little, but then again, I would miss out on life and all it has to offer.  But we look at little kids and realize how sweet, innocent, and pure they are! I can't help but smile when I am around little kids making up their own songs about food or playing peek a boo with you :) Sometimes you just need your parents and sometimes you just need freedom.  But little kids, don't need to grow up so fast, the need to enjoy the laughing days :)

I am not a chess piece!

I will not be forced to play any game except my own.  I won't let anyone make my decisions.  I agree with Prince Albert that I will one day find someone to play "life" WITH me and not FOR me.  She was a princess and had everything except the freedom to choose and decide for herself.  I am not a princess, but I have the ability to be independent in some cases.  Anyone who thinks otherwise about me, should think again, because I am no ones chess piece.  My life, my game, my rules. (except when my parents tell to clean my room or give me a curfew ;)

I am not a piece in their game.....

This is a song from Hunger Games (Books and movie HIGHLY recommended) But this song says a lot about the world and who I am.  I won't let anyone walk all over me.  I don't play anyone's game, LIFE is my game and so far, I like making my own choices.  Yes there are rules to the game of LIFE but there are also a ton of freedoms that allow me to be me.  I believe in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I am 16 and TOTALLY RETRO, and I love my family and my friends.  I am excited what my life has in store.  I take pride in who I see in the mirror everyday because who you see is who you get.  One personality, one mind, and one heart :) I am finally the real me and I am ready to let the whole world see that. 

This is real, this is me, I am exactly where I am supposed to be :)

Demi Lovato

Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die..........NOT!

Let's get to the point.......TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS! People everywhere try to run from what they have done or from their problems, but whatever happens, you will have to face it later.  Your actions portray who you really are and if all you ever do is run or lie, people won't respect who you are.  But if you show responsibility and face what life throws at you, it will only make you stronger.  You will have a sense of accomplishment about your life if later on down the road you can say, "I have accepted the consequences of my actions." I know we are only human and we are bound to make mistakes, but step up, and claim responsibility. You learn from your mistakes and you build character by not beating yourself up about it :)

El Dorado - "The error is human"

El Dorado

So basically, just the beginning part on the boat is what I am focusing on.  When he says "The error is human" I like that because he was saying that mistakes are ok, even for someone who is lying to everyone saying they are an ancient god.  I suggest you watch the whole movie because it is funny and has some good lessons and morals in it.  You can watch it all on youtube :)