Paper Flowers

I love this song for all it is! It is honest and unique and it makes you think about what it truly means.

These words are all I have...

Words are such a powerful tool! They have the ability to make people think, feel, and create their own! :)

I feel overjoyed,
When you listen to my words.
 I can see them sinking in,
I see them crawling underneath your skin.

When people actually take to heart what your saying, it speaks volumes about them and you can tell they listened.

Nothing new

Are we human? Yes. Are we perfect? NO. Its as simple as that.  We will make mistakes, some bigger than others. We shouldn't beat ourselves up about it.  We try to clean up the mess we made and try to be better. Of course we have to take responsibility for what we did, that's not surprising, but after, we must try to be better. I thought this song portrayed that perfectly. Don't bury them, learn from them. Face them head on and you won't have to fear them.

Slow me down and breathe. . .

Most people live life in the fast lanes because what they want can't get here fast enough.  Slow down! Enjoy this moment because this moment is your life :) But sometimes we can't do this on our own, we need people to remind us to enjoy the simpler things in life.

Made of Gold

During the Gold Rush, everyone left for California to make it big. Nowadays, gold isn't so hard to find. But something we need to remember is we need to give a shout out to where we are from, the people who has built us up to succeed.  We will have people pop into our lives with hearts made of gold because they know who they are and where they are from. Find your treasures :)

We need to remember. . .

Do you ever feel as if everyone is waiting for you to break? When we were little, we were indestructible! We made our own worlds and friends and the world in all its chaos didn't exist.  But as we took our first steps into the world we let go of the courage.  We need to remember how to be those strong soldiers we would pretend to be as children and fight the world. 

The feeling I want to scream and shout!

If only is never good enough! People should never hold back because years later, they will say "If only I had said something" Live in the moment! Don't ever feel like you can't speak your mind :)

Make where you are your home :)

Home is a place where we feel welcomed, loved, and wanted. Its a place
where we belong in the world. 
It doesn't always have to be a house where all of your belongings are.
Home is a place of memories :) 


Sometimes we may feel invisible and feel like a ghost. There are also people from our past who come back to haunt us and we can't let go of what has happened.
But just like it says, "Find someone I can rely on and run to them, full speed ahead."
Run to the people who a reliable and trustworthy. They are waiting for you to realize how important you are :)
I have always loved this song! I did a dance to it in 8th grade and I still love it to this day :) Owl city has a way to make life seem simple. My favorite line in this song is "The spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly" People are kind of like puzzles, the pieces don't always fit together. Someday I will find my perfect fit ;)

Reclaim the use of our Imagination

As random as this song is, the message is great :) It reminds us to breathe and be calm! Because sometimes this life is just crazy.  I believe we need to "reclaim the use of our imagination" when we want to stand out and be unique. I also believe that we do "hate our heartbeat because it still thinks we're alive" When the world seems to pass you by, you don't feel important, but YOU ARE IMPORTANT. And in so many ways :)

What more can anyone ask for?! The simple task of trying and giving life and love a fun beat :)
My heart and soul will go to someone who can make me laugh and enjoy life with me, no more, no less than that. I love to think that there are other people in the world that celebrate and have fun and live it to its fullest, just like in this song!