Where should I hide?

As a little kid, we played the game called Hide n' Seek. The same is simple: the seeker counts to 100, the hiders find a place to hide. I never applied the act of hiding like it does in this song. But the song is right - we can't do it on our own. When we are little, our parents chase away the monsters we think are hiding in our closets, friends give advice when we are teenagers, but who is there when we are all grown up and out in the world? I don't have that kind of hiding place, I see glimpses of what or who it could be, but for now, I am still playing the part of a hider who has 100 seconds to find a place to hide from the seeker.

Before we met. . . I was just me

Before I meet anyone I am different because the person I meet changes me in some way. I don't conform and try to copy my new acquaintance, I simply make a piece of their personality part of my life. This song is dedicated to someone who was definitely different before I met him and someone who I am more similar to than I realized. He will forever be a great friend in my life. (BTW: If you ever see this, I really hope you name your dog fig newton :P)

illuminate. . .

Anything can happen and there are people that can shed some light in our lives. Or illuminate our lives :) I think this song says it perfectly.

Being myself is something I do well!

I love this song! (It was the song to a Microsoft commercial :P) I wish everyone could feel like I do when I hear this song: I want to jump up and dance like a dork and have fun! I want to run down the street singing these lyrics! Why doesn't everyone express themselves? :D

I can hear music :)

I can't explain the way that I feel inside

This whole blog is my explanation of life experiences better understood through music. When you are around someone and you can't explain the way you feel about them, what better way to explain your emotions than through music! Whether it's "I can hear the bells" or "I can hear music" its all the same. That music we hear, at least for me, is kind of a sign from the universe saying "I kinda like him." ;)

Love is a KILLER

The title is more dramatic than the lyrics :P But very appropriate all the same. The idea of 'love' is something everyone wants. It can also change you. WE have to decide for ourselves whether we let it take over or we simply let it into our lives.

Love is a killer
it changes who you are

Aint no rest . . .

The world is full of people who take risks and live life like they do in this song.  People think they are forced into making irrational decisions but they aren't. This song, I think, is what the world has accepted.

Money don't grow on trees
There ain't nothin in this world for free
Ain't no rest for the wicked,
till they close their eyes FOR GOOD.

On top of the world!

Don't waste the time you have! My mom has always told me, "Never withhold a compliment." I live by that! If I get a chance to tell someone something that will make them smile, I take it :) I also don't hold back, if I have something to say, I say it. 


Colors of my life :)

My life is best understood best by the lyrics and melody of a song. I love this song because it uses colors to portray emotions! I don't believe you can be in love at a young age, I know that is true for me.  But this song is so simple to understand you don't need the L world :P Sweet and simple :)

Losing him was BLUE, missing him was DARK GREY, loving him was RED

Be the DJ!

By now you probably know I relate everything to music :P But its because it is my only connection to effectively communicate my emotion in this world :) Being the DJ for my emotion is so much fun because I can dance anything out! 

I am the DJ
And you are the record that I play
And when I scratch the surface
Does it still make you nervous

Keep Dancing...


So capable of love yet, too scared to open up and
Just wanna be accepted, but can't show that you care
Creating problems daily, no wonder some go crazy
So special and so gifted, but most don't know, it's there
"But all I see is misery" Everyone has the potential to do incredible things but we are constantly beat down by the world.  

Do it, just let it all out
Express emotion
Say how you're feeling
It's liberating
Nothing can hurt you
You can be happy
But you must believe it 
Nothing can hurt unless you let it. The only one stopping you from being happy is yourself. "Believe it"

Talk like an open Book!

"I can feel it in my bones" Living life is great! "Oh seriously" We need to appreciate what the world has to offer and live everyday like our last.  At some point you need to ask yourself, "Who would you rather be, the Beatles or the Rolling Stones?"

Like here comes the sun.....

We are young and aggressive filled with ambition! Use that drive to live your life! :D

Not everything can be gold

In our world, people are bought. LITERALLY. If you have money, you are respected and you can control people with it. 

All that glitter,
and all that gold, 
can't buy you happy,
when you have been bought and sold.

Glitter and gold may look appealing but you need to be careful of what you think you really want in life.

This is why we fight!

Hold on, one more time with feeling.
 Try it again, breathing's just a rhythm.
 Say it in your mind until you know that the words are right  
This is why we fight

Breathing really is just a rhythm, we need to do the hard part and actually feel what we go through instead of just going through the motions.  
And the pride inside their eyes would  
Synchronize into a love you'll never know 
So much more than you can show
Look for the good...no...the GREATNESS in people and you will learn how to love and know and understand people so much more :)

I am a Weirdo

Guess What? You are someone's weirdo :P Wise words and 100% true. But here is how I like to think about it - I think Dr. Seuss said it best: We're all a little weird, and life's a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual WEIRDNESS and call it LOVE

We've got the noise!

So basically this is how I feel almost 110% of the time! The world we live in is afraid of new things or new ideas or people willing to stand up for what they believe in. If you don't conform, your a "dirty little freak"
I won't walk away
This is how we bleed,
we ain't gonna stop now
a penny for your thoughts now, 
a bullet for your dreams.

We can't back down! When it comes to your dreams, it almost feels like you have to take a bullet to get what you want.

We've got the noise, 
no way to silence it
Don't let them block out the noise,
we're sick and tired of it.

That noise, is basically you on the inside fighting your way out into the world! Sooner or later, there won't be a way to contain it anymore. 

don't live your life cornered
you've got to fight for it,
stand up and walk the way you
like you would die for it!

We can walk with confidence, why can't we do the same with our words?

But they can't stop what we were meant to do...

Paper Flowers

I love this song for all it is! It is honest and unique and it makes you think about what it truly means.

These words are all I have...

Words are such a powerful tool! They have the ability to make people think, feel, and create their own! :)

I feel overjoyed,
When you listen to my words.
 I can see them sinking in,
I see them crawling underneath your skin.

When people actually take to heart what your saying, it speaks volumes about them and you can tell they listened.

Nothing new

Are we human? Yes. Are we perfect? NO. Its as simple as that.  We will make mistakes, some bigger than others. We shouldn't beat ourselves up about it.  We try to clean up the mess we made and try to be better. Of course we have to take responsibility for what we did, that's not surprising, but after, we must try to be better. I thought this song portrayed that perfectly. Don't bury them, learn from them. Face them head on and you won't have to fear them.

Slow me down and breathe. . .

Most people live life in the fast lanes because what they want can't get here fast enough.  Slow down! Enjoy this moment because this moment is your life :) But sometimes we can't do this on our own, we need people to remind us to enjoy the simpler things in life.

Made of Gold

During the Gold Rush, everyone left for California to make it big. Nowadays, gold isn't so hard to find. But something we need to remember is we need to give a shout out to where we are from, the people who has built us up to succeed.  We will have people pop into our lives with hearts made of gold because they know who they are and where they are from. Find your treasures :)

We need to remember. . .

Do you ever feel as if everyone is waiting for you to break? When we were little, we were indestructible! We made our own worlds and friends and the world in all its chaos didn't exist.  But as we took our first steps into the world we let go of the courage.  We need to remember how to be those strong soldiers we would pretend to be as children and fight the world. 

The feeling I want to scream and shout!

If only is never good enough! People should never hold back because years later, they will say "If only I had said something" Live in the moment! Don't ever feel like you can't speak your mind :)

Make where you are your home :)

Home is a place where we feel welcomed, loved, and wanted. Its a place
where we belong in the world. 
It doesn't always have to be a house where all of your belongings are.
Home is a place of memories :)