All of the bells and whistles you could ever need. . .

In life, people will knock you down, criticize, and mock.  Have you ever heard the phrase "Kill them with kindness"? Well, switch that with, "I don't care what you think!" Life is full of so many choices, colors, people, and music (DUH) to allow you to be who you want to be. Don't let what's popular influence your choices.  BE A FREE SPIRIT! Have fun :)

Life has handed you all of the bells and whistles, to be you :)

Another world to escape too...

Have you ever wished that you could be someone else for a day or imagine yourself in a different time? READ A BOOK! My greatest escape from this chaotic world is reading a book. I love going on adventures with characters from books or reading about different time periods. I recently just read Entwined by Heather Dixon and it was marvelous! It was about princesses and magic and dancing...wonderful dancing. I sometimes wish I could have been in the book with these characters and see what it was like. Pick a book that you will enjoy and just forget the world and yourself. Get lost in a book :)

A world of my own.....

If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't.

It doesn't matter what other people think, wear, or say. If you stay true to yourself, life is going to be so much more fun :) Why would you want to be someone you hate or don't even like? Today, I bought an umbrella just because it looked different and unique. Now I'm not saying to become an impulse shopper, but just to surround yourself with things or people that make you happy. Whether it's an umbrella, your best friend, or just by wearing a certain color. Be your nonsensical self :)

Storm = Life

I don't like it when bad things happen. News flash: no one does! But in life, things will go wrong amd may not go your way. But guess what? Things can go right if you let them. If it's raining, instead of staying inside and sulking, go outside and dance in the rain! :) if it's snowing, go and make a snow angel or catch snowflakes on your tongue :P there are so many people that think they have to take what the world gives them. But we can trick the world and smile. It takes more muscles to frown then it does to smile. Anyone can FAKE a smile, but no one can fake true joy. Enjoy life, be silly, and totally rock out to the beat of your own drum.

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain ;)


I had a friend tell me that if I was a super hero, my name would be Sunbeam. I didn't understand it at first, but it makes sense now. You may not see yourself as an optimistic, but others definitely do. My friend also gave me powers which are: brightening anybody's day by just smiling and the power to be happy. This was surprising but I'm glad I'm a super hero. You may not feel like a super hero, but your somebody's hero, even if you are just smiling at them everyday. If you look for the bad that is in the world; GUESS WHAT? your only going to find the bad and the negative. But, if you look for the positive, guess what you'll find?

Look at the glass half full, instead of a glass half empty :)