Where should I hide?

As a little kid, we played the game called Hide n' Seek. The same is simple: the seeker counts to 100, the hiders find a place to hide. I never applied the act of hiding like it does in this song. But the song is right - we can't do it on our own. When we are little, our parents chase away the monsters we think are hiding in our closets, friends give advice when we are teenagers, but who is there when we are all grown up and out in the world? I don't have that kind of hiding place, I see glimpses of what or who it could be, but for now, I am still playing the part of a hider who has 100 seconds to find a place to hide from the seeker.

Before we met. . . I was just me

Before I meet anyone I am different because the person I meet changes me in some way. I don't conform and try to copy my new acquaintance, I simply make a piece of their personality part of my life. This song is dedicated to someone who was definitely different before I met him and someone who I am more similar to than I realized. He will forever be a great friend in my life. (BTW: If you ever see this, I really hope you name your dog fig newton :P)

illuminate. . .

Anything can happen and there are people that can shed some light in our lives. Or illuminate our lives :) I think this song says it perfectly.

Being myself is something I do well!

I love this song! (It was the song to a Microsoft commercial :P) I wish everyone could feel like I do when I hear this song: I want to jump up and dance like a dork and have fun! I want to run down the street singing these lyrics! Why doesn't everyone express themselves? :D